Rooted Groups

These are groups of 2-6 people who have committed to meet once a month for 2025. Here is some more information about Rooted Groups for you. These groups are different from classes. Below, you will see a breakdown of the questions along with an explanation as to why they are so simple.

1. How are your roots? How are you doing in your relationship with Jesus? 

  • Connection—These groups are meant to assist with discipleship connections. Many people attend classes together but never move past learning to the stage of being known. The hope is that you, as leaders, will help facilitate meaningful conversations and seek to get to know those you are meeting with this year. And...that they will connect with the other group members at the same time!

2. What has God shown you in this month's verse?

  • Learning to Recieve the Scripture Independently—Part of being a disciple is learning to read the Word of God and hear the voice of the Lord. Rather than create an elaborate study that "spoon feeds" people, we want to keep this simple and encourage people to learn and to seek. That is why everyone is encouraged to read the verse and ask God to speak to them. These groups are a safe space for people to put this into practice. As a group leader, you can encourage them. Here is a simple journaling tool to help people study the word verse by verse:

  • S.O.A.P.

  • S - Scripture - Write out the scripture.

  • O - Observation - Write out any observations you have.

  • A - Application - Write an explanation of how you can you apply this personally.

  • P - Prayer - Write out a prayer in response to this verse.

3. How can we pray for you this month?

  • Prayer—This is an opportunity to pray together as disciples. The hope is that as you get to know your group more, they will feel more comfortable sharing prayer needs. Feel free to check in during the month and let them know you are praying for them. Encourage your group members to reach out as they have prayer needs.

Rooted Groups aim to forge connections that will help foster discipleship and community here at Sequim Valley Foursquare Church. We want to see the Body of Christ grow stronger, and to do that, we need more people like you willing to come alongside others and walk with them for a season. Thank you for saying yes to Rooted Groups! You are important and appreciated

Resources: (Click Month for access)

February 2025

March 2025

Small Groups

  • A small group should include a few elements such as prayer, worship, the Word, and food (While not every group needs to have all these elements, having 2-3 of them)

  • Is centered around the Small Group Discussion Guide

Community Groups

  • Community Groups are not official SV4 Small Groups

  • Often - the group meets in a home but not always

  • They focus on hobbies, gatherings, specialized focus groups, relational development, or specific topics/books.

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